Quota Provisions and Criteria for Passing the UPN Veteran Jakarta Independent Selection Pathway (SEMA) 2022 Batch 2

19:43 WIB

NUMBER 64 /UN61/PG/2022



  1. The Independent Selection Route (SEMA) of the Jakarta Veteran National Development University is one of the New Student Admission pathways whose quota is set at 30% (thirty percent) of the total capacity of new students at the Jakarta Veteran National Development University. In Wave 2, the quota follows the number of people who did not re-register in SEMA Wave 1
  2. The Independent Selection Route (SEMA) quota is divided into a Non-Affirmation Scheme of 60% (sixty percent) and an Affirmation Scheme with a quota of 40% (forty percent).
  3. Non-Affirmation Scheme Terms:
    1. The Non-Affirmation Scheme is set with the following quota:
      1. Academic subscheme, with a quota of 60% (sixty percent);
      2. Institutional Development Contribution (SPI) subscheme plus academic, with a quota of 40% (forty percent);
    2. The passing criteria used for the Non-Affirmation scheme are as follows:
      1. The academic subscheme makes full use of the Computer Based Written Test (UTBK) scores;
      2. The Institutional Development Contribution (SPI) subscheme uses the criteria for the Computer Based Written Test (UTBK) score plus the Institutional Development Contribution (SPI) value.
  4. Affirmation Scheme Terms:
    1. The Affirmation Scheme quota is determined with the following conditions:
      1. The TNI/Polri/PNS Kemhan/PNS Polri extended family subscheme is 40% (forty percent);
      2. Sub-scheme for large families at the Jakarta Veterans National Development University at 30% (thirty percent);
      3. Alumni Subscheme of 5% (five percent);
      4. Partner Subscheme of 25% (twenty five percent).
    2. The scope of the Affirmation Scheme is determined with the following conditions:
      1. The TNI/Polri/PNS Ministry of Defense/PNS Polri extended family subscheme which includes members of the TNI/Polri, civil servants of the Ministry of Defense, Civil Servants of the Ministry of Defense, and retired officers/wredatama.
      2. Sub-scheme for the extended family of the Jakarta Veteran National Development University which includes permanent lecturers, permanent educational staff and retirees from the Jakarta Veteran National Development University.
      3. Alumni subscheme that contributes to the development of the Jakarta Veterans National Development University.
      4. Partner Subscheme which includes honorary members of the Jakarta Veteran National Development University, organizations or individuals who have work relationships and/or provide benefits for the development of the Jakarta Veteran National Development University as well as regional partners of indigenous residents of Pondok Labu sub-district, Base Jati sub-district, and Limo sub-district.
    3. The passing criteria used for the Affirmation Scheme are as follows:
      1. The TNI/Polri/PNS Ministry of Defense/PNS Polri Sub-scheme, the Large Family Sub-scheme of the Veterans National Development University, Jakarta, and the alumni sub-scheme use the criteria for Computer-Based Written Examination (UTBK) scores and the amount of Institutional Development Contributions (SPI) as well as insight into National Defense;
      2. The partner subscheme uses the criteria for Computer Based Written Test (UTBK) scores, National Defense insight, Institutional Development Contributions (SPI), and by considering contributions in the form of infrastructure and other facilities that support the learning process for the Jakarta Veterans National Development University.
    4. The status of applicants submitted through the Affirmation sub-scheme for extended families of the TNI/Polri/PNS Kemhan/PNS Polri, extended families of the Jakarta Veterans National Development University, and alumni are biological children.
    5. In the event that the quota for one of the Affirmation subschemes is not met, the remaining quota will be transferred to the quota for another Affirmation subscheme.
    6. In the event that the final calculation of the available Affirmation scheme quota is not met, the remaining quota will be transferred to the Non-Affirmation scheme quota for the Institutional Development Contribution (SPI) subscheme.
    7. The deadline for submitting an Affirmation application is no later than July 15 2022 at 15.00 WIB. The mechanism for submitting proposals is through an affirmation scheme via the link https://s.id/pengajuan_afirmasi_sema_s1_upnvj_2022_g2

Jakarta, July 12 2022
the Chancellor
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs,


Anther Venus
NIP 196806021994031002

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